My handmade carousel book, “Illuminating Women in Science,” is also part of Sansei Granddaughters’ Journey Collective’s installation, “Illuminating Strength.”
Listen to me and the four other Sansei Granddaughters talk briefly about our artwork in the exhibition. Click HERE.
About the Exhibition: Inspired by the jade gemstone’s various metaphysical and cultural meanings in its association with power, jewelry and crowns, Jade Wave Rising celebrates the diversity of Asian American & Pacific Islander women’s artistic voices while paying homage to overlooked historical figures and community leaders. “The exhibition aims to bring visibility to the myriad of ways API woman artists have embodied, expressed, and practiced their own power through art-making and community work. In doing so, it also establishes new faces and legacies of leadership in not only the API artistic community, but also society at large,” says curator and lead artist Yeu Q Nguyen.
For more information: